Friday, June 27, 2008

knits socks

I'm kinda participating in the Summer of Socks. It's summer, I'm knitting socks. I've got enough yarn in the stash for, oh, maybe about 24 pair of socks (blush). So I'm knitting socks.

I'm also going to start on some baby things as I have two friends who are infanticipating. A little Czech-American boy will arrive sometime in October, maybe late September, and then in January someone else - gender to be named later - will be joining our Contemplative Knitting Group.

The best part about knitting socks and baby things is of course that they're small. Quick to finish, and if necessary, quick to frog. Not so much a honking big (because I'm honking big) sweater I just almost finished (got one armhole to kitchener up). Good knitting, but prolly not something I should repeat.

We learn.